Are There Any Foods or Ways to Reduce Effects of Suboxone Taken Orally?

Question by Allison: Are there any foods or ways to reduce effects of suboxone taken orally?
My friend took some of a suboxone pill and is now feeling sick. What things can I get or do for her to help?

Best answer:

Answer by soisitok
Hi Allison, Suboxone is prescribed for a patient that is trying to quit/stop the use of Morphine, Codeine , Heroin, etc addictions. Your friend should only take this if it is prescribed for her/him by a doctor. It can be very dangerous if used improperly. The pill is to be placed under the tongue and allowed to melt. The only thing you can do is to be sure he/she takes it as prescribed, “only”.

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Suboxone and the Disease Concept of Addiction – Addiction shares features of many other diseases, including a treatment that will hold the disease in remission. Suboxone is not a cure, but medicine offers …