Are the Curfew Laws Protecting Chicagoland Children?

Question by goten60629: Are the Curfew Laws Protecting Chicagoland Children?
As you all know the City of Chicago enforced a new
curfew several months ago in an attempt to protect
children from being caught in gang cross fire and
other crimes on the streets of Chicago. At that time
some children’s right advocates and sociologists
argues that changing the curfew laws will not prevent
children from being gunned down on the streets at the
hands of other children and young adults. Advocates
further argue that the mayor and other public officials
are overlooking the social problems that are encouraging
this behavior; such as unemployment, poverty, teen parenting,
gang warfare, drug and alcohol abuse and low literacy rates.
Since the enforcement of the new curfew law 35 plus CPS
students and other young adults has been gunned down on
the streets of Chicago, including three teens that were
gunned down in the past two weeks. However, the major
continues to argue that despite the shootings, the curfew
law is indeed working. For this you must take a side. Do
you feel that the curfew law is indeed keeping Chicago’s
children safe, despite the recent rash of killings of children
over the past few weeks, or are social scientists correct
when they argue that curfew laws will not solve the war
that has been raged against children in the inner city?

Answers must follow these guidelines:

No wikipedia links.
No search engine results.
No short, wisecracking, crackpot answers.
No morons, simpletons, and/or knuckleheads.
No wasting my time or yours for two measly points.
You answer is only choosing one side, NOT BOTH!

This is a question designed to test how much you really know.
Thus it requires you to use your brain. If you don’t like these guidelines, MOVE ON OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED if your
answer submitted does not comply with the above guidelines.

The best well-thoughtout & well-explained answer will
receive a ten point bonus

Best answer:

Answer by KRIS A
what i don’t understand is why the police, government etc. is supposed to implement “plans” to take care of chicago children. what is wrong with the parents taking care of their children.
if it is unsafe to have your children out when you feel they are unsafe, keep them indoors.
as for gang activity why aren’t the parents of the gang members prosecuted along with their menace to society children and young adults.
when i see ministers marching in the streets along with outraged parents i often wonder why they aren’t talking to the gang bangers that are causing all the trouble in their own neighborhoods instead of talking to the press????. if there is drug activity in my neighborhood i know who it is and when it is going on, so do these people!!! and why is jessie jackson blaming the gun makers and not the gang bangers and their parents for the problems with guns killing their own children?????? what is killing the inner city children??? DRUG DEALERS AND GANG BANGERS ARE!!!!!
why isn’t responsibility taken on the blocks and neighborhoods of these “bad neighborhoods”? turning in the drug dealers and the gang bangers instead of wanting others to do it for you with programs that don’t ever work!!!???

Add your own answer in the comments!



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