Anyone Else on Clonopin for Anxiety? How Do You Feel It Works for You?

Question by *Rena*: Anyone else on Clonopin for anxiety? How do you feel it works for you?
I am on clonopin for anxiety,and after having been on Xanax and Valium,I’ve found it’s the one that works best for me. How does anyone else that takes this medication feel? Does it work for you? Just getting a general consensus if this is one of the better medications for anxiety/panic attacks,but for me it’s worked great. The Xanax is far far too addicting,and caused me drug addiction problems for awhile,the valium just didn’t seem to work,but the Clonopin seems to effect me how I need it to. How bad does someone’s anxiety have to be usually before they prescribe Clonopin for it? I know that I’ve got severe severe anxiety,along with Agoraphobia, and the clonopin has seemed to help me the most with all of it. What have been other people’s results with this medication? It’s worked great for me,especially for the social anxiety problems that I have,but just for the overall anxiety in general. The others were ok,the xanax worked for a long time,but then it stopped working (developed a tolerance to it,and they couldn’t/wouldn’t up my dose) so I switched,and I feel that the clonopin has done wonders for me vs all of the other ones! I was just wondering what other people’s reactions to this medication has been?

Best answer:

Answer by sandybars
I agree with you. Klonopin has helped me the best out of all the benzos. Xanax was just way too hard hitting, short lasting and the only one I developed an addiction to. Valium and Ativan hardly worked..they were too mild. But Klonopin lasts longer and adds a nice gradual decrease of anxiety.
Well, my anxiety (social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder and PTSD caused anxiety) was pretty out of control before they prescribed me Xanax which did work better than the klonopin just because it’s so strong and fast to work. But after going to therapy and such, I find that klonopin works much better on my over-all anxiety issues. Plus, my tolerance to Xanax sky rocketed after only 2 months.
I’m really glad you found a medication that’s really helped you! I’ve been dealing with debilitating anxiety symptoms for over ten years now and I know how difficult it truly can it makes me really happy when I hear someone with similair issues find treatments that help them =)

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