Amanda Bynes Tweets Something Unfavorable About the Obamas, Is Therefore a

Amanda Bynes tweets something unfavorable about the Obamas, is therefore a

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

1. She used to be a child star, and now she's best known for being out of her mind. Like Lindsay Lohan, except slightly more talented and not nearly as interesting. 2. These days she spends her abundant free time on Twitter, calling people ugly. Like …
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Wasted college students show deplorable, hilarious ignorance of American

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

Welcome back from the long holiday weekend, Daily Caller readers. As you settle into the rest of the summer, take a moment to laugh at these young, almost certainly drunk and possibly stoned American college kids who know nothing about the origins of …
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UP IN SMOKE! Iran Burn Over 100 Tonnes of Narcotics To Mark Day Against Drug Abuse – Iran has burned at least 100 tons of drugs as part of its efforts to fight drug smuggling. June 26 is the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Tr…