Addiction Statistics? How Many Teenagers Die From Drugs and Alcohol Each Year?

Question by Bluey: Addiction statistics? How many teenagers die from drugs and alcohol each year?
i need statictics on addiction
anything would help please and thanks!

how mny people dies each year from alcohol and drug addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
This should be in the homework section =S

What do you think? Answer below!



State of MiND: Substance Abuse – Pay close attention. 1 in 2 of us are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes. State of MiND: Substance Abuse explores the prevalence of substance abuse in…


The Case for Decriminalising the Use of Drugs

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The evidence suggests the opposite. Twelve years ago the most important problem in Portugal was the use of drugs. It took the brave step of decriminalising. Statistics have now shown that drug use has decreased, especially in comparison to the rest of …


Puberty blues: The very real issue of youth mental health

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Some of the problems young people face are longstanding; drug and alcohol abuse, family trauma, peer pressure and suicide, while others such as homelessness, cyber-bullying and self-harm have also emerged, perhaps now more than ever presenting even …
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Officials continue efforts to decrease infant mortality rate

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They stop or decrease smoking, they seek help with drug addiction, and they make better food choices. … Any positive change a woman can make during her pregnancy at any time in the pregnancy will help her infant.” The WIC program serves 2,200 people …
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