A Home Is Not a Reward

A Home Is Not a Reward

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

It goes something like this: A person goes to an emergency shelter, has to join a rehab program, maybe then gets into "transitional" housing and, if the person behaves well, is eventually a candidate for permanent housing. This process keeps the …
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Obama acknowledges swapping letters with new Iranian president… Details

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

But Irannuc.ir – a media outlet that is close to the Iranian intelligence community and has quoted several Iranian authorities over the years on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program — revealed in a piece last week part of a letter sent by Obama to …
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Obamacare exchange leaks data of 2400 unsuspecting customers

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

Obamacare exchange officials aren't the only agents that will have access to private consumer data in the data hub. Along with any federal or state officials working with Obamacare, program “navigators” will have access to consumer information in order …
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New Emergency Room Opens at TriHealth Bethesda Butler County – TriHealth Bethesda Butler County Hospital has opened a new emergency department. The 10500 square-foot addition to the hospital is the newest emergency depa…