How Will I Find Rehab Centers in Eliot, Maine Where I Can Learn More About Dual Disorder?

Question by adreanna zz: How will I find rehab centers in Eliot, Maine where I can learn more about dual disorder?
Our teacher asked us to discuss topics and issues about drug addiction and treatment. The topic given to me is dual disorder. As much as possible, he wants us to interview medical professionals about the topic. He said that this will greatly help us to prevent drug use in the future.

Best answer:

Answer by ADREANNA P
Dual disorder in indeed a very interesting topic to discuss. Through the help of the sites linked on the lower portion of this message, you’ll get the information pertinent to your assignment. Enjoy your research and may your class benefit from it.

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug Addiction Treatment CA – California Drug Addiction Treatment Speaker, Dr. Stein, was certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 1996. Dr Stein, provides those afflicted with drug and alcohol addiction the professional medical opinion and insight of the holistic drug rehabilitation program. Dr. Stein gained his practical experience for his required hours to achieve Board Certification as a Santa Cruz County Medical Director working directly with the addicted.


Prescription drug abuse conference Friday

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We fail to take simple measures to prevent fatal overdoses, we deny proven treatments for addiction and dependence, and we allow the drug war to stand in the way of new and promising treatments for PTSD and other service-related conditions.” The report …
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