I Need a Good Online Drug Addiction Support Group, Can Someone Please Help Me Out?
Question by homeskillet: i need a good online drug addiction support group, can someone please help me out?
im still very young to be lookin this up but i have to quit what im doing for my senior year next year and i need an online support group because i dont want to have to ask my mom to take me to a NA meeting. plus i think it would be kinda rediculous to go just for pot and pills. so if someone could please help me i would appreciate it so much. im so nervous and todays my last day and i need to find something fast.
Best answer:
Answer by space
No, please do not think that it is ridiculous to attend a NA meeting because you dealing with “just pot and pills”. Instead, all the more should you attend since you are addicted to only pot and pills as it will boost your confidence and hope that you will be able to get over this addiction knowing that there are more severe cases out there.
The NA vision is: Every addict in the world has a chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity to the right way out life.
Please read this: http://www.na.org/?ID=IsNAForMe-content
As stated on that page, ‘We focus on the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug.’
You do not have to possess any particular drug in order to attend a NA meeting. I am very sure you know that. But do not let pride and shame get in your way.
I hope that you will just give the NA meeting a try, just once. Great to see you wanting to get out of this addiction. There will be difficult times, of course, times where you will fail. Nonetheless, fix your eyes the goal – overcoming the addiction. That is why face to face support is so much easier.
All the best and take care.
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