Do the Drug Cartels and the Drug Police Remind You of Two Warring Armies Who Long Ago Forgot…?

Question by xaptation: Do the drug cartels and the drug police remind you of two warring armies who long ago forgot…?
…what they were fighting over and have devolved into looting and terrorizing the populace?

This story has made me so angry I can barely think straight.

According to an article in the Washington Post Magazine, on July 29, 2008, the Prince George’s County Police allegedly delivered a package containing 32 pounds of marijuana to the home of Cheye and Trinity Calvo of Berwyn Heights, Maryland. Let me repeat that: the POLICE delivered a package containing 32 pounds of marijuana to their home, and when they accepted the package, the SWAT Team broke down their door, shot their two dogs dead, and handcuffed Cheye and Trinity and Trinity’s mother Georgia, and forced them to kneel while they ransacked their home. They found no drugs, other than the packagae they themselves delivered. The police have never even apologized for their actions.

And here’s the punchline: Cheye Calvo is the MAYOR of Berwyn Heights!

The Prince George’s County Police could have notified the local police chief that a raid was about to take place, as a courtesy. Then he could have informed them that Mr. Calvo was the mayor of Berwyn Heights, and come along to ensure that everything went peacefully. They didn’t bother.

Later the Calvos learned that a common tactic among drug dealers is to mail packages of drugs to unsuspecting citizens and then to intercept the package before it arrived. Someone had send a package of marijuana to the Calvos, without their knowledge, and on that basis the police decided to stage this armed home invasion.

I’ve read too many stories like this one, about the drug police breaking into the wrong house and bullying and terrorizing and humiliating the law-abiding citizens therein.This is something that could have happen to any of us. None of us are safe.

Do I even need to mention the absurdity of a War on Drugs in a society in which the Medical-Industrial Complex is trying to get us all addicted to as many kinds of drugs as possible? The pharmaceutical companies are no different from the street corner drug dealers — they hate competition, and they have their enforcers to keep competitors off their turf. And the rest of us are caught in the crossfire, like it or not.

Oh, and here’s an article from the Baltimore City Paper about how the drug police and the drug kingpins work hand-in-hand to keep out the carpetbaggers:

Your thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by CHA $ $ $ $ $ CHING…
We are living in Scary time’s indeed.

this is happening all over our country…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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