Which Aspect of Obama Do You Find the Most Offensive/alarming?

Question by el cabo: Which aspect of Obama do you find the most offensive/alarming?
)his know ties to terrorists in Chicago including the weather underground b)his crooked real estate deals c)his near hypnotic trance over stupid uninformed white kids d)his advocacy of abolition of jail time for drug offenders e)his own drug use/abuse f) all of the above or g) I almost forgot..sitting in a so called church for 20 years listening to Wright spew antiAmerican slogans and doing nothing to show any

Best answer:

Answer by hansblix222
The desperate attempts by his detractors to undermine his campaign–that’s what I find most annoying (and futile, I might add).

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Abuse – A gallery in chicago, that shows people who lived and abused drugs, the age they died.. and on what drug.