How Would You Scare the Shit Out of a Teenager Who Is Involved in Drugs or Anybody for That Matter ?

Question by johan: How would you scare the shit out of a teenager who is involved in drugs or anybody for that matter ?
Why drug taking has become a sort of an attraction to the younger generation..?, and we find that every generation that had gone by have similarities in regards to young people. It wouldn’t be entirely fair to put the blame on parents when their children get involve with drugs for the simple reason that each individual is always open to what is happening around them. Good parents will know what’s good for their children and no doubt they will try their best to ensure their children is saved from the menace of drug abuse. No parents can be with their teenage children 24 hours a day ? What goes on in society that have strong influencing factor is hard to avoid more so for young people who were beginning to experience life with gusto and their simple curiosity may push them further into many complications that life seems to offer and getting involve in drug taking is one of them.
Your answer could be one of the solutions concerning Drug Abuse
When all good talks and being nice doesn’t seem to work. It’s not hating them but trying to get thru their numb brain or their care not attitude

Best answer:

Answer by cbjr
Give them a tour of Juvi hall or Jail…

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Zoe’s Story, For Parents – My name is Robin Kellner. I live in New York City. My daughter Zoe — my only child — died of an accidental drug overdose on April 9, 2007. She was just 22. …