What Does It Mean When CPS Does a Home Visit 2 Times in One Case?

Question by RachieRoo: What does it mean when CPS does a home visit 2 times in one case?
What does it mean when CPS does a home visit 2 times in one case?

Okay so far we’ve had a school visit with me, a counselor, and a case worker, then we had a house visit in the middle of a Sunday night and now they came but we weren’t home. My dad got a call saying they’d be back. When they came earlier they left a notice saying “the child” (me) can be taken at any time by CPS without a court order or parental consent. What does all this mean? We have also had a previous case before with them. My mom has a history of drug abuse and recently called a hotline in a prescription drug abuse rampage. Please help me. Am I being taken?

Best answer:

Answer by Vamp
Usually CPS will carry out a follow-up visit if the first visit gives them cause for concern. The follow-up visit is to see if there has been any improvement in the situation.

The fact of a second visit doesn’t, itself, mean that a child will be removed. Even if there has been no improvement, the CPS may decide to give further time for improvement. Obviously, this will depend a bit on what the problem(s) were.

The letter simply indicates that the CPS do have the power to remove a child if they believe the child to be in immediate danger. If this visit has been triggered by your Mother’s call to the hotline (obviously I don’t know what has happened here) then it may be that new concerns have been raised about your safety. However, the CPS will not automatically remove a child – they will still consider what is going on when they visit before they make that decision.

It is difficult to say anything more directly helpful as we don’t have sufficient knowledge of the case.

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