I Am Doing a Research Project on Ecstasy. Can Anyone Help Me Out With Information?

Question by Lindsey: I am doing a research project on ecstasy. Can anyone help me out with information?
I am doing a research project on ecstasy. Can anyone tell me where it first originated? How is it used? Is there any medical uses for the drug? Can it be addictive? How is the drug obtained? Can a tolerance be developed when taking it? What are differen’t “street names” for it? Can anyone help me out?

Best answer:

Answer by Dj Snowflaco
Ecstasy itself is a street name. The drug’s real name is methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA. Other street names are E, XTC, Rolls, Adam, The Club Drug, Designer Drug, The Party Drug, Hug Drug, Disco Biscuits, White Doves, New Yorkers, Love Drug, Clarity, Lover’s Speed. It is used mainly in clubs and was a big hit in the 90’s during the “rave scene”.

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