A Region on the Verge of Discovery

A Region on the Verge of Discovery

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Imagine a new generation of intricate, lightweight, and durable custom products—printed in cost-efficient home factories. At UConn's center, which houses 3D manufacturing equipment and rapid prototyping technologies, two high-powered electron beam …
Read more on The New York Academy of Sciences


Johnson & Johnson Vs. Medivation In Prostate Cancer Race

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Both drugs are set to generate blockbusting revenues in spite of or because of the high prices they charge for the treatment. Xtandi. In the Phase 3 "Prevail" … The trial was fully enrolled in May of 2012, and the interim analysis was scheduled to …
Read more on Seeking Alpha


Treating alcohol dependence: Medication plus therapy leads to longer abstinence

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

"In Germany, usually care is delivered by addiction counselors," said Michael Berner, a professor of psychiatry at the Freiburg University Medical Center as well as chief physician at the Rhine-Jura Hospital for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and …
Read more on Medical Xpress



Nike – Addiction