I Want to Be a Drug and Alcohol Counsellor, Help?

Question by Sheila K: I want to be a drug and alcohol counsellor, help?
I want to be a drug and alcohol counsellor and I have planned for a long time to take a drug and alcohol counsellor course at a college near where I live. It is a 2-year program with an optional transfer program to a university. Unfortunately, instead of the university program being psychology like I planned, its a bachelor of arts in criminal justice. Is there any way to do the drug and alcohol counsellor and a psychology program without having to do the full 4 years of university?

Best answer:

Answer by Mike G
First, learn to spell COUNSELOR.

To be a certified counselor in a school, you’ll need a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree as well.

BTW, it is “It’s” not “its”. “It’s” is a contraction for “It is”. “Its” is a possessive pronoun.

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