Veterans Treatment Court Will Help Vets in Addiction, Mental-Health Cases

Veterans Treatment Court will help vets in addiction, mental-health cases

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

The judges said veterans treatment courts combine rigorous treatment and accountability for veterans facing incarceration due to charges stemming from substance abuse and/or mental health issues. … The courts have created partnerships with many …
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Treatment centre set to to open in Vanier to deal with 'epidemic'

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Unwilling to wait for government help, ?a local doctor and a pharmacist have gone ahead and funded their own addiction treatment centre which opens next week. "If we waited for the government or the LHIN, it would never happen" said Dr. Mark Ujjainwalla …
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Prescription painkillers fuelling crime in Hamilton

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Tuesday: How prescription opiate abuse is taking over the city's drug scene and what medical and addiction specialists are doing about it. Wednesday: The growing connection between crime and prescription drug abuse. Thursday: Stories of addiction and …