Why Do People Want Marijuana Legalized?

Question by Jacob S: Why do people want marijuana legalized?
I don’t understand this at all. Who could want this stuff legalized? Marijuana smokers are 6 times more likely to get lung cancer than tobacco smokers, and marijuana is highly addictive (look at the statistics, more teens are in treatment for marijuana addiction that all other drugs combined). According to studies done by Dr. Gabriel G. Nahas, marijuana can cause irreversible brain damage and destroys brain cells. Why would anyone want this horrible narcotic to be legal?

Best answer:

Answer by xxxmvpxxx
first of all, weed is not addictive and when it says 6 times more likely…do you know how rare? blunts have no crap in it like cigs do… and i guess you dont go to parties or clubs at all, cause weed makes everything more different and fun. even though weed kills brain cells we are talking about 10 brains out of trillions… and i hope you know cells reproduce by dividing so no problem eh? i blaze since 8th grade and im a ap student in 10th grade, i wrestle on varsity in 140 weight class…im 2nd string full back and all my friends go to parties to have a fun time and sometimes blaze but not all the time. and just to let you know the teens who are in the treatment things are the loser ones that have nothing to do in their life besides staying inside and smoke 10 blunts a day… those are the kids no one likes…

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