Do People That Get Addicted to Drugs Get Addicted Cuz They Hate Their Life?

Question by average joe named joe: Do people that get addicted to drugs get addicted cuz they hate their life?
Is there people that started doing it for fun and it ruined their life?
Almost all of the times I’ve heard of drug addiction it’s cuz they use it because they hate their life. So they use drugs to escape.
Do you know or did you get addicted because you just liked doing it?
I think it’s so stupid that people say they do it to be cool… I think most people are at least curious. Like I am curious, no one would just say I’m gonna do this cuz it will make me so cool.

Best answer:

Answer by Hamish
Poeple do it to try to be cool

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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