I Want a Tattoo That Symbolizes My Battle With Addiction & Drug Use and How Am Now Free and Above the Influenc?

Question by SmileyB: I want a tattoo that symbolizes my battle with addiction & drug use and how am now free and above the influenc?
I would like to get a tattoo (me and my husband) that symbolizes are struggle with addiction & drug abuse.We are now free from addiction and above the influence and would like to express that with a tattoo for everyone to see.Acting as a personel reminder to us and kinda walking billboard to everyone else.Any ideas THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by That one is Me!
why dont you et the serenity prayer?

Or some words to signify rebirth

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Research Shows Cocaine And Heroin Are Less Addictive Than Oreos

Filed under: drug abuse articles

Studies published between 1969 and 1985, for instance, found that rats and rhesus monkeys “will prefer cocaine to food” and “will self-administer cocaine until death or near-death,” as Stanton Peele and Richard DeGrandpre note in a 1998 Addiction …
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Dayton High School students learn harsh realities of drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse articles

The program gives freshman the opportunity to see the consequences of using drugs and alcohol through individually assigned scenarios that include deadly car crashes and overdoses, and drug-related arrests. “It's scary,” Jaclyn said of her assignment.
Read more on Cincinnati.com