Hi, I’m Working on a Book but I Need Some Questions Answered About Drugs?

Question by This Is Chriss: Hi, I’m working on a book but I need some questions answered about drugs?
In my book one character, John, is abusive and a drug abuser. In one chapter he has a bad hallucination from shrooms, I was planning on him reaching for the heroin to calm his mind but are these deadly together? I don’t want to make a mistake in my book nor do I want to kill this character off. Any other information concerning relationship abuse, drugs and effects, or drug addiction would be great too. Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by arashi_love
Yes, heroin would calm you down, also I would suggest reading a book called Tweak by Nic Sheff. It’s Nic’s autobiography about being a drug addict and alcoholic. His drug of choice is crystal meth and his book is very detailed about his drug use. I would recommend it as a good source for a personal experience on drug use.

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