I Want to Get Involved in My Sister’s Drug Treatment Program. What Rehab Has This Kind of Program?

Question by alani ls: I want to get involved in my sister’s drug treatment program. What rehab has this kind of program?
We live in Brookline, Massachusetts. I just think my sister would recover faster if I get involved in some counseling or therapy sessions, as we are very close. She’s reluctant to go into inpatient rehabilitation, so I really want to be there for her as much as I possibly can. Can somebody help us find a rehab that will allow this?

Best answer:

Answer by amelia cta
There are probably some rehabs that will allow you to participate. There are some that have this as part of their program, since a lot of patients respond positively to treatment when a loved one is there with them. You can look through the links below and call some of the rehabs. They’ll be able to give you more information regarding this. Good luck!

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Addicted Troops Get Silent Treatment

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Addicted Troops Get Silent Treatment. They risked their lives for their country. Now, even as conflicts in the Middle East heat up, drug-struggling vets and active-duty soldiers find they can ask little in return. Image: Sean and Sharlene Knapp via …
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Addicted troops ignored

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Finally, when a nearly identical incident happened a year later, VA officials enrolled Knapp in an inpatient addiction treatment program. Two years and three stints in the program later, Knapp eventually kicked his habits. Among the … “The bottom …
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