Alcohol Craving Drug Licensed for Scottish Use

Alcohol craving drug licensed for Scottish use

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

The drug, which comes in tablet form, is designed for people who are alcohol dependent, but not at the extreme end of the spectrum of substance abuse. Health experts welcomed the decision which could help tackle the problem in Scotland which has one of …
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Police should join a fearless and rational drugs debate

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Chief Constable Mike Barton is on thin ice when he calls for a change in our approach to drugs use ("'It is time to end the war on drugs', says top UK police chief", News), but courage and leadership have taken him there. The ice is so thin because …
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Teen mentors help peers avoid drugs

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

A high school Youth-to-Youth Mentoring and Prevention program continues to make strides in helping students avoid alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and misuse/abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Freshmen needing a little extra support …
Read more on Pacifica Tribune