Is There Any Presidential Candidates Willing to Stop Supporting Countries That Hate And/or Abuse Us?

Question by ??????: Is there any presidential candidates willing to stop supporting countries that hate and/or abuse us?
The USA provides support to so many other nations, how is it when we need money it is loaned at a high interest with our land held as collateral?

Are there any politicians running for president that has the guts to stop giving funds to nations that charge interest on loans while recieving support of any kind from the US?
I.E. Clinton Foundation facilitates China getting America’s HIV treatment, research and technology free of charge using American donated money (that is not taxed in exchange for the donations to his foundation).

Best answer:

Answer by Shrieking Panda
Ron Paul. He believes that we should be friends with other countries, have free trade with them, but be non-interventionalist. I believe he’d straighten out what you’re speaking to as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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