Addiction Counseling Treatment (ACT)?

Question by Touchdown: addiction counseling treatment (ACT)?
First… mess up and get a DUI. The ACT counselor may want further classes/sessions depending on the quiz that was filled out. If your father, who you haven’t seen since 13, has a history of drug and alcohol abuse in his youth will you really need more classes? Even though staying away from alcohol for 8 months? I’m expecting she’s just play the “denial” card and go down that path. How can you deny denial? Aside from actions. A DUI is a traffic violation. The cycle of counselors making efforts to make a buck here and there is relentless. They make their own return customers by failing them. I understand, some need help. But crap man. I guess I’m just a little apprehensive of the whole extortion game. Any advise?

Best answer:

Answer by froggsfriend
Well, you could just tell them about what only applies to you. The reason they asked about your father is because addiction is genetic. Not all of them will fail a person so they can get them back and make more money off of them, some of them actually want to help a person learn to win over addiction. You get out of it what you put into it. Since you got into trouble, it sounds like you need a little help yourself. It is great that you’ve been able to stay off the booze for 8 months, but you may not be able to say no to it forever. That is addiction. Get what you can get out of the classes and leave the rest since you have to go, and in the future, work on making different choices.

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The Florida Marchman Act Explained – Court Ordered Addiction Treatment – The Florida Marchman Act is a course of action available to the friends and family of someone struggling with substance abuse that can help that person get the treatment they need. If you know someone who is currently battling addiction, the Florida Marchman Act can help you ensure they receive proper treatment. The Florida Marchman Act is a course of action available to the friends and family of someone struggling with substance abuse that can help that person get the treatment they need. For more information, please visit:


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