Where Can I Get Statistics About Laxative Abuse?

Question by iMercaptopurine: where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
I am writing a paper about drug abuses and one of the drug categories that I am discusing is laxatives. However, I cant find statistics about prevelance, mortality, gender ratio, etc
where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?

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Young Women and Drug Abuse – FOX 9-TV interviews Hazelden’s Medical Director, Dr. Joe Lee, regarding young women and drug abuse. Young women have higher rates of mental health issues tha…


Holder Says the Obvious — the Drug War Is a War on Minorities

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

They found that whites and blacks use drugs in about the same rate. Yet, more than 70 percent of those prosecuted in federal courts for drug possession and sale (mostly small amounts of crack cocaine) and given stiff mandatory sentences are blacks …
Read more on Huffington Post


Permanent Prescription Drug Disposal Box Unveiled

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Teri Collins, Executive Director of MCYAF said, “Kids may have the misperception that prescription drugs are safer to abuse than street drugs because they're prescribed by a doctor. But the misuse of these drugs is very dangerous, particularly if …
Read more on Park Ridge Herald-Advocate


Should We Believe Victor Conte's Claims of 50 Percent of MLB as PED Users?

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Before we even think about 50 percent, let's think about previous reports of drug abuse. In 2003, a report revealed that 104 players tested … What percentage of MLB players do you think are using PEDs? Less than 5 percent 5-10 percent 10-25 percent
Read more on Bleacher Report


Drug and Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Drug and substance abuse is not only a Kenyan problem but a global problem which is affecting mostly the youth both in school and out of school. This problem impacts negatively on the academic, social, psychological, economical and physiological …
Read more on AllAfrica.com