How Do I Quit Synthetic Marijuana (“spice”)?

Question by Chris: How do I quit synthetic marijuana (“spice”)?
Yeah I know. Stupid for getting involved. Now I can’t get uninvolved. I try, I fail, multiple times. Im losing the will and energy to stop.. It causes problems physically/mentally/emotionally/financially. Never thought I’d be an “addict” Help?? I can’t afford treatment

Best answer:

Answer by Mel
unfortunately you are going to have to just stop. stop hanging out with friends that do it. try a 12 step group like AA or NA. call the local salvation army, they will have a list of low or no cost drug treatment programs.

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This Tumblr that went up recently called We Are Not Trayvon Martin is an interesting experiment, a way to talk about the role of race and privilege in this case, and how some of us have the privilege—which should be a right!—of being at least safe …
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Filed under: salvation army drug treatment program

Project Arts will present free concerts at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the DCR Pilgrim Memorial Park on the Plymouth waterfront. Call 508-747-7727 or see for more information. July 24, Luxury Wafers launch tour with Peter Malick, Butch …
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