COLUMN – in Praise of Tabloid TV

COLUMN – In praise of tabloid TV

Filed under: Chicago Drug Treatment Centers

There's a celebrity model, psycho sex, rape, drugs, Broadway, an inherited fortune, mental illness, class issues, and, of course, murder. New York's dailies bulged with accounts of … Out of town newspapers in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia gave it …
Read more on Reuters AlertNet


Group offers 000 reward for drug-related tips about elected officials

Filed under: Chicago Drug Treatment Centers

The Illinois State Crime Commission, a nonprofit organization based near Chicago, is offering the reward during the month of July. While the reward is offered … He is receiving care at a drug treatment center in Minnesota. Fellow St. Clair County …
Read more on Belleville News Democrat


FDA approves Orexo drug to treat opioid addiction

Filed under: Chicago Drug Treatment Centers

Nearly three out of four prescription drug overdoses are caused by painkillers known as opioids that include such drugs as oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, methadone and codeine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and since …
Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)



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