ETSU Awarded $2.2 Million to Research Prescription Drug Abuse

ETSU awarded .2 million to research prescription drug abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

While prescription drug abuse is a problem nationwide, the Southern Appalachia region is disproportionally affected. That makes this initiative especially relevant to the region, said Dr. Robert Pack, who is the principal investigator on the grant …
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Growing drug problem tackled at conference

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

One Voice for Southeastern New Hampshire, an organization responsible for substance abuse prevention for 20 communities in Strafford County and adjacent towns, held its second annual prescription drug conference on Friday at Wentworth-Douglass to …
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Pediatric Prescription Drug Poisonings Parallel Adult Use

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

Prescription drug classes that contribute the most to childhood exposures and poisonings parallel the most frequently prescribed drugs to adults, according to results from a study published online June 3 in Pediatrics. Lindsey C. Burghardt, MD, from …
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