Refusing Teen Sex Survey Will Cost Georgia

Refusing teen sex survey will cost Georgia

Filed under: teen drug abuse

The CDC survey asks questions on drug abuse, violence, alcohol use and suicidal behavior as well as sex. Students are instructed not to include their names. Georgia students have long answered the questions on topics other than sex. Jeff Graham …
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Gordon Auchincloss Honored for 15 Years of Service as Teen Court Judge

Filed under: teen drug abuse

The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse was proud to recognize Chief Deputy District Attorney Gordon Auchincloss at a recent Fighting Back Criminal Justice Task Force meeting for dedicating his time and experience as a Teen Court judge for the last 15 …
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Myths Debunked: Underage Drinking of Alcohol at Home Leads to Real

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Truth: New research from The Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS) reveals that teens who perceive their parents to be more permissive about alcohol use are MORE likely to abuse alcohol and to use other drugs.[4]. Myth: Parents who serve alcohol …
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US chief calls for end to sexual violence

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Teens scull past alcopop tax · Alcopops. AUSTRALIAN drinkers have spent $ 4.5 billion in "alcopop" taxes that have failed to curb teen binge drinking. … In his commencement address, Hagel also referred to the problems of alcohol and drug abuse, the …
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Teenagers and Drug Abuse – Top 5 Results on YouTube – These are the top 5 videos I found on YouTube relating to teenagers and drug abuse.