What Signs Are Most Prone to Drug Addiction?

Question by Cappychic: What signs are most prone to drug addiction?
What signs in your experience are more prone to drug addiction?From what Ive seen your rarely ever see aries or leos addicts.Most people with drug or alcohol addiction are virgo,capricorn,taurus,pisces and scorpio,and cancer all the earth and water signs!
Im not trying to insult anyone,I agree most people that drink or do drugs are most likely depressed.
Im just saying from the people Ive met its mostly earth and water signs,I was just curious to see other peoples experiences.Honestly I know a lot of leos and none of them do crack or meth only couple smoke herb once in a while.

Best answer:

Answer by phantasticphotog
Signs are not, people are.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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12 Responses to What Signs Are Most Prone to Drug Addiction?

  • flowers says:

    What research are your results based on please?

  • Pree says:

    i think the type of ppl who are most prone to drug addiction are depressed ppl..those who feel they have nothing to live for or lose..hence not so worried about messing with drugs and becoming addict.

  • I'M a pisces says:

    your wrong about leo’s my bf is a leo & hes a total drug addict. Total. He smokes pot, crack, meth & does opiates.

    I do smoke pot on occasion

    I think all water signs are prone.

  • Sparrowbird says:

    I knew a Leo AND an Aries who were raging alcoholics, an Aquarius who smoked weed to the point they had a constant smile on their face, a Libra who popped pills like it was candy…

    Sun sign shows little correlation to drug addiction, in my opinion. The classic answer is Pisces, of course, because of their connection to Neptune. However, I think you need to look at the whole chart – there are many different aspects that may manifest into drug addiction, not to mention transits are also important. One person might take drugs because they’re lonely, another might take drugs because they hate themselves, another might take drugs because they find it to be spiritual… there are too many factors involved to point to just the sun sign.

  • jeon =] says:

    well of course anyone could be addicted to drugs.

    But i have read that Pisces is the most prone to drug addiction, the reason is that pisces is one of the most emotional signs and that could lead to drugs and pisces is also one of the more depressed signs, in general pisces has an addictive personality.

    another reason it might be pisces is because pisces alternate between living in the “real” world and there “dream” world, drugs are the perfect thing to use to escape the harsh real world that pisces fears so much, and like pisces is very interested in things like dreams and mystical subjects.. how do you think they would feel when there high, like there in a dream of course. thats why i think pisces is the most prone to drug addiction…
    and i have read it on a few websites.

    the website i posted says it, just go to the bottom where it says pisces health, and it tells you about how pisces is prone to drug addiction. And also it doesn’t have to be drugs, it can be food or sex.
    😀 hope i helped,

    forget the other people they don’t know how to take a question without offense,

    Pisces sun
    Gemini rising
    Aries moon

    Yes i am a Pisces with an addiction.

  • KBizz says:

    I beg to differ…one of my good friends is an Aries & she’s an addict, my brother’s a Leo & he’s been an addict.
    I’ve personally known a lot of Virgos who were addicts, it actually surprised me. But it’s usually the speedy stuff they’re addicted to.
    I’ve also known a lot of Geminis who love to drink.
    I’ll agree with Pisces & water signs though. Especially Pisces, we tend to love to escape & explore other realms & obviously drugs would aid in that.
    These are just my personal experiences but I’m sure I’ll get a surplus of thumbs down haha.

  • maybeacomedian says:

    Scorpio and Pisces are most prone to serious substance abuse. Proven fact. I don’t need to cite it, look it up if you don’t believe me.

    Aquarius are a likely sign to use marijuana, recreationally. Just look at fellow Aquarius, Bab Marley: probably the biggest and most famous marijuana enthusiast of all time.

  • SilverPhoenix says:

    Scorpios, Libras and Pisces.

    Of these 3, Scorpios have the highest self destruct rating.

  • Dee says:

    Pisces takes the lead in this, being ruled by Neptune, and the next
    to follow is Libra. Those are the signs I find that top the list when it
    comes to drug addiction and drug abuse. W/O a question, they do
    make up the most prone to drug abuse/addiction, followed by Taurus,
    and Scorpios. At least that is what I’ve experienced and observed,
    over the many years I’ve studied Astrology. I do realize that others
    will say Astrology has nothing to do with it, and this is found in all
    signs, but I know, for a fact, the majority I’ve known and found are
    Pisces. Followed by Libra.
    (and though I myself am a Libra, many of the guy Libras I’ve met have had a problem or involvement, as almost all the Pisces. sorry….)

  • Carla S says:

    Speaking from knowledge and experience i have seen addicts from all signs just the stronger people i have seen no matter what their sign is are the ones to become ex addicts but three i know can’t seem to shake addiction is Sagittarius and Aquarius and also Pisces at least the ones i know they are still at it today as we speak years of addiction From their teens to their 40s and 50s they don’t seem to care and from one of the answers Aquarius are true pot heads for life they have to have it i have seen alot of them like this LOL but i don’t knock anyone for what they do it’s life and i do know alot of leo’s with addiction to crack you name it they do it but they seem to be one of the stronger signs to over come..

  • Heidi T says:


  • euphoric says:

    uhh ok you seriously try to compare these signs or whatever too much. EVERYONE GETS ADDICTED to drugs. Not just “earth and water”. I don’t know why you would even think this. Drugs make everyone feel good and everyone is prone to addiction. The only thing that would make someone more prone, is if they grew up around it, or if they have an addictive personality. NOT what sign they are. That is totally ridiculous…

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