6 Ways Big Pharma Manipulates Consumers

6 ways Big Pharma manipulates consumers

Filed under: Chicago Drug Rehabs

Pharma is increasingly pressuring rehab facilities and doctors to add a mental illness diagnoses to recovering patients to sell expensive pills. Ka-ching! Worse, Nora Volkow, the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is conducting cruel … In …
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Brandon Baltzley: a chef poised between artistry and addiction

Filed under: Chicago Drug Rehabs

For most cooks, it would have been the opportunity of a lifetime, but for Baltzley, who had just spent two weeks in rehab shaking off a cocaine habit, it led to a crack-cocaine addiction that cost him his job. It wouldn't be … Customers went wild …
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Tiger Woods ' ' boozing ' at gala turns off new love Lindsey Vonn

Filed under: Chicago Drug Rehabs

LITTLE LOST LINDSAY: A source at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif., checked in with me Tuesday, saying, “I'm not surprised Lindsay [Lohan] was quoted recently as saying, 'Rehab for me is a waste of time,' indicating she doesn't need it …
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