What Are the Noticable Effects After Use of Amphetamines and Cocain?

Question by Number93: What are the noticable effects after use of amphetamines and cocain?
I have been dating a girl for a while now, and I really love her.
Unfortunately on our last date she confessed to me she uses amphetamines and cocaine.
She is always really active (like she has a very bad case of adhd) and has some balance issues.
i know these are some of the effects of the drugs, but i don’t really know her any other way.
Except for last time after we were getting really intimate, it was like out of nowhere she got a giant depression for half an hour or something…

However, she promised me she would never use any of these ever again if she wishes to stay with me.

We don’t see eachother very often because we both have very time demanding jobs.
But i would like to know how to spot some other (obvious?) symptoms of this drug abuse, so i can be sure she doesn’t do it anymore. I know it’ll be hard because she is ALWAYS very active.

thanks in advance

Best answer:

Answer by zldropshots
Both can cause depression after continued use. Amphetamines can cause open, bloody sores that take a really long time to heal. Also, both have a great high, but a horrible low. Amphetamines also make the user more paranoid than normal. Hope this helps.

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