Recognizing Alcoholism and Getting Help

Recognizing alcoholism and getting help

Filed under: addiction help hotline

Research shows the earlier you start drinking, the more likely you are to develop an addiction. Now in his early 40s, Steve is two and a half months sober. In our area, First Call has a hotline that anyone affected by alcohol and/or drug addiction can …



Filed under: addiction help hotline

E-cigs encourage nicotine addiction, and are thus likely to lead to smoking regular cigarettes. Someone dependent on … lead to other bad choices." If you or someone you know needs help, please contact SAFE's confidential hotline 24/7 at 1866-569-SAFE.
Read more on Community Magazine


Quiet communities becoming victims to heroin sales and abuse

Filed under: addiction help hotline

"He had dealt with four Heroin cases in four days including, that one including on Sunday, to strong arm robberies by someone is addicted to heroin and then on Monday someone who pulled into the parking lot of Cedar Cliff High School in the throes of …
Read more on CBS 21


From Twitter:

Getting Help from the Addiction Help Hotline: via @youtube – by BrianCooley37 (Brian Cooley )

From Twitter:

RT @sexmeupkstew: Addiction Hotline is there to help you Brittany. – by KStewsBeauty2 (B-Rizzle )

From Twitter:

Addiction Hotline is there to help you Brittany. – by sexmeupkstew (sexy stew. ~)