Commissioners Consider How to Fund Chemical Dependency Services

Commissioners consider how to fund chemical dependency services

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

That is among some of the statistics that the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) provided to county officials with a letter asking them to designate where they want alcohol tax monies to go. The DPHHS is responsible for … The data …
Read more on Laurel Outlook


Drug overdose prevention could be right at our fingertips

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

In 2009, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 3,200 people in the state died in automobile crashes, while 3,561 people died of drug overdoses, the bulk of them involving prescription pills. That high number of deaths is particularly …
Read more on Los Angeles Times


Nev. addiction services to be stretched by reform

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

Federal statistics show 16,000 Nevadans are currently receiving substance abuse treatment, and 73,379 more are expected to be eligible for insurance in 2014 once that aspect of the law takes effect and if Nevada follows through on its planned Medicaid …
Read more on San Antonio Express



Drug addiction treatment divides opinions – Deaths and complications are contrasted with personal stories of success as debate surrounds the use of naltrexone implants in treating drug addiction. See m…