Is It Time to Accept Socialism in America So That It Can Reset Itself?

Question by : Is it time to accept socialism in America so that it can reset itself?
Let it fail with socialism so that people can see that it won’t work. Then people will fight for their freedom, at which point it may be too late.

Best answer:

Answer by samsamskeyti
You realize the overwhelming majority of socialized nations are happier than we are?

We’d be too psyched after a decade of socialism to want to change.

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Rocky Anderson on his Campaign, War on Drugs, Climate Change, Jury Nullification, Corruption… – July 25th, 2012 0:15 status of campaign; 1:40 treatment in media; 2:53 independent voters outnumbering democrats and republicans, the “spoiler effect”, governmental abuses; 5:15 lack of democratic party opposition to Obama administration’s abuses: innocent civilian deaths, imperial presidency, violation of war power clause of constitution, indefinite detention, denying right of habeus corpus, march towards fascism, assassination, due process; 9:20 voters should draw a moral line in the sand and refuse to support a candidate who has done the kind of things Obama has: undue corporate influence, broken promises, illegal behaviour, warmongering, caving to wall street; 11:36 why Rocky is a better candidate than either Romney or Obama: Adult life spent fighting for the underdog, defending constitution, hard work on climate change, Romney spent life at Bain outsourcing, amassing fortune, buying and selling, firing, etc., Obama who was a constitutional law teacher disregards the rule of law as president and refuses to hold war criminals like torturers accountable, Rocky has fought for equal justice entire adult life, much of it Pro Bono without pay as practicing lawyer, civil rights cases, believes in rule of law, constitutional values, more managerial and executive experience than Obama, over 200 Million dollar budget as Mayor of Salt Lake for 8 years, RDA Budget, Chief Operating Officer of international airport, better values, more integrity; 15:53 War on drugs a total failure


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