How Will I Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Ennis, Texas?

Question by citlally t_e: How will I find substance abuse treatment centers in Ennis, Texas?
I would like to find substance abuse treatment centers in Ennis (or near there) because that’s where my friend lives. I have just recently known of her alcoholism and I really want to help her, even if it’s just by helping her find a treatment center. How will I do this?

Best answer:

Answer by alani ts
Finding treatment centers, even for someone far away from you, is pretty easy. The links below will surely get to help you out. Just keep on being there for your friend. Your support and encouragement will really matter much. I do hope that she gets to be treated for her addiction soon. Good luck!

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From Twitter:

Downloads Solution Focused Substance Abuse Treatment e-book

Solution Focused Substance Abuse Treatment book d – by daqedesk (Geneva Maxwell)

From Twitter:

In Daly City Support Systems Homes offers substance abuse treatment programs – 800-811-1800 – – by NewsOnGo557 (NewsOnGo557)

From Twitter: Just what to Look for in a Thailand Drug Rehab and Substance abuse Treatment Center – by 2savemarriage (Save Marriage)