What Would Be a Good Topic for a 15 Minute Presentation for a Drug and Alcohol Addiction Class?

Question by Cristi: What would be a good topic for a 15 minute presentation for a drug and alcohol addiction class?
I am taking a college course on drug and alcohol addiction and need a good topic to discuss for fifteen minutes (yuck!) lol! Does anyone have a good suggestion?

Best answer:

Answer by Tugger
Well, I would think you would discuss drug and alcohol addition and how it affects people.

What do you think? Answer below!


From Twitter:

@Snake8Jake. Snake as got alcohol issues. Re tweet this to show ur support to help him threw the addictionby mrevojr (Evo)

From Twitter:

RT @emilystrich: thanks for admitting your alcohol addiction on twitter. as a twitter community we recognize your plea for help. – by EvanBogner1 (Evan Durant)

From Twitter:

@ThatOneKid1205 Well, your alcohol addiction isn’t helping. Here’s a pamphlet to help http://t.co/sDJc9yqE – by DJDropBox (Daniel Nowicki)