Is There a Cover-Up on the Death of Norm Van Lier?

Question by Janet J: Is there a cover-up on the death of Norm Van Lier?
It’s been over a month

still no results of an auotpsy

I think it was a drug overdose!!

Former Chicago Bulls star guard Norm Van Lier recently admitted to spending four weeks in a drug and alcohol abuse clinic this summer, saying that baseball great Mickey Mantle’s well-publicized liver problems was a deciding factor in his seeking help at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA.


Best answer:

Answer by Moon Cheese

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Calling 311 to report dangerous taxicab drivers works

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This is the story of my being harassed by a taxi driver while cycling in downtown Chicago the day before Thanksgiving in November 2011. I was riding from Grant Park to meet my mother and sister for lunch at Xoco (449 N Clark).
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Gateway Foundation Pilots Positive Communication Program to Help Individuals

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Piloted in spring 2012, the Immediacy in Effective Communication program was well-received by 36 adult men who were primarily in substance abuse treatment for alcohol, cocaine or heroin issues at Gateway Foundation's Chicago West treatment center.
Read more on PR Newswire (press release)


Structural Genomics Consortium and collaborators release renewable recombinant

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