Do You Have a Drug Additciton? What Caused It? How as It Effected You or You Faimlies? ?

Question by Stephanie: Do you have a drug additciton? What caused it? How as it effected you or you faimlies? ?
I’m doing a cause and effect essay on drug addiction and need further information. Also I have to Research and analyze or look for facts. It would help me greatly if I could get some real life experiences explained to me. If you can tell me any personal experiences you have had, it would be very helpful. The main questions I need to use are the ones listed above, anything else you may say would be wonderful also. Please and thanks

Best answer:

Answer by mariposa
I don’t personally have a drug addiction but my boyfriend is an alcoholic and is addicted to weed. Because of it he has no motivation, was unemployed for months, his parents kicked him out (he’d be living on the street if I didn’t take him in) and didn’t find a job til now. He has a DUI and an MIP on his record now, those will never go away since he is 20. He had a possesion of marijuana but his record was sealed when he was 18. He has lost all motivation, and a lot of his short term memory too. His family won’t even talk to him because he can’t control himself. He has to drink every night and thinks he has to drive home.. his car has no insurance and he hasn’t paid tax and license. He just got a job.. and he has a DUI fine to pay and no license. If he got pulled over again he’d probably go back to jail and his car would be impounded. He doesn’t seem to learn. He’s been to drug and alcohol treatment, and he quit for the time he was in treatment. He always does. But he never made the decision to quit for good. Thus, he still can’t kick the habits. I’m not sure he wants to.

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Anti-Drug Video: Medicine Chest – Factual information on drug abuse can save lives – a public service message. Get the facts on prescription painkillers:


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