Brazil: State to Make Addicts Get Help

Brazil: State to Make Addicts Get Help

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

The authorities in São Paulo, Brazil's most populous state, said they would start detaining addicts of crack cocaine and sending them against their will to treatment centers. The new measure, which was announced Thursday and is set to be put into …
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Rulings Threaten FDA and States' Ability to Regulate Drugs and Therapy

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

In the New York case, Alfred Caronia, then employed by Orphan Medical, was caught on tape promoting one of his company's drugs to doctors for uses for which it had not been approved by the FDA. Known as Xyrem, the medication is approved to treat …
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Scientists say vaccine temporarily brakes HIV

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

The vaccine, based on immune cells exposed to HIV that had been inactivated with heat, was tested on a group of 36 people carrying the virus and the results were the best yet recorded for such a treatment, the team said. "What we did was … The …
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