'The War on Drugs Has Done More Harm Than Good!'

'The war on drugs has done more harm than good!'

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

DAVE: And he goes on, I bet, about the huge amounts of money we spend on drug laws, the prisons we have to erect, the army of guards needed, etc…" BILL: “If you want to … Dave, that can buy a lot of rehab for people who do want to stop. DR.DAVE …
Read more on New York Daily News


Genentech and other big pharmaceutical companies cash in on HGH sales

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Unlike other prescription drugs, HGH may be prescribed only for specific uses. U.S. sales are limited by law to treat a rare growth defect in children and a handful of uncommon conditions like short bowel syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome, a congenital …
Read more on San Jose Mercury News


Steve Duin: Oregon politics and public safety

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

To remedy that, Novick thinks counties should be directly reimbursed by the state whenever they reduce their use, or projected use, of prison beds. Those counties could then re-invest those savings in alcohol and drug treatment programs, parole and …
Read more on OregonLive.com



Trauma-Informed Substance Abuse Treatment Program – CDCR opens innovative substance abuse program for women at Central California Womens Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla Trauma-Informed Substance Abuse Treatment Program (TI-SAT) addresses the unique needs of women in drug and alcohol recovery. Services address substance abuse, trauma information, mental health issues, and planning for community-based substance abuse program services and community reentry.