About How Many Drug Addicts Are There in America? How Many Seek Treatment? How Many Are Successful?

Question by [email protected]: About how many drug addicts are there in america? How many seek treatment? How many are successful?
General statistics and facts would be great. Thank you.
people who abuse narcotics and alcohol.

Best answer:

Answer by An-Atomy
define drug. are you including cigarettes and alcohol? if so, our own president would be lumped into this catagory.

What do you think? Answer below!



Personal Perspectives On Teen Drug Abuse – Teenagers struggling through recovery from drug addiction discuss their challenges, and adults who abused as teens talk about their paths to eliminating drugs from their lives. This segment aired on South Dakota Focus during the topic of teen drug trends on Thursday, December 15, 2011. View the full program and additional materials at South Dakota Public Broadcasting’s website, SDPB.org.


Narconon Georgia Delivers Holiday Drug Education Targeted at Staying Safe

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

In recent weeks, hundreds of children learned about the dangers of drugs through interactive drug education. In one Dekalb County school, Narconon presenters learned from the teachers that the major drug of abuse was marijuana and that some of the …
Read more on DigitalJournal.com (press release)


Should teachers be armed? Should parents be allowed to carry guns into schools?

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

The root cause of school massacres is a combination of three things: next to nothing for mental health treatment; federally mandated gun-free school zones; and severe lack of any useful means for self-defense in a school setting. …. You don't combat …
Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)


From Twitter:

RT @AIDSinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or binge on alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent spread of HIV: http:/ … – by videodouble (Fake HIV)

From Twitter:

RT @AIDSinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or binge on alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent spread of HIV: http:/ … – by PreventHIVSTDoh (Prevent HIV/STD Ohio)

From Twitter:

1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or binge on alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent spread of HIV: http://t.co/9g895k5v – by AIDSinfo (AIDSinfo)