Substance Abuse?

Question by PipU2: Substance Abuse?
I was wondering if anyone feels like I do on this subject. The WWE is going through enough problems with substance abuse, does anyone think its a dumb idea to have Sandman on set drunk, chugging beers on T.V. with all the problems going on
Ya’ll are comparing everything to the Wife beater Austin and alleged steroid user Austin remember Austin hasn’t been there since all of this has happened anyone that couldn’t look at that guy last night and tell he was drunk has some issues. And isn’t gimmicks what has gotten WWE in trouble all this coming from a guy who wanted to use his grandchild’s child birth as a sick way of saying he was the father of the baby all for gimmick and ratings lol now IM beginning to understand why people outside of wrestling make fun of wrestling fans. You will watch anything

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Perfect( rip dimebag darrell)
nope its his gimmick Sandman was the first person to drink before a match.

What do you think? Answer below!



Alcoholism & Substance Abuse: Ways to Address Your Problems – -Look at your timeline of when it began: history, childhood. Was there some sort of event that triggered it? Were you taught this through childhood? -Look at your ritual of drinking or getting high: When do you drink or get high? Is it after work? How does it tie in with your daily life and what are you trying to self-medicate yourself from? -Communication: You and your loved ones, family and so on, will need to learn effective, positive and respectful communication. Say “I feel that” instead of “You always do this…”. Do not be accusatory or antagonistic. Announce that you need a time out and return when you have calmed down. Find an appropriate time to discuss what is bothering you and talk through it. Do not raise your voice, call names or mock the other person. Be respectful. -Try smudging your house with white sage to clear out negative energy. It works wonders. -Really address the event that triggered your addiction (sexual abuse, domestic violence, death, divorce, self esteem issues, etc.) -When you can identify when and why it all started, you will be more ready for counseling and can heal much faster.


From Twitter:

Nearly half of all substance abuse… #Alcoholabuse #alcoholdisorders #Mentalhealth #substanceabusetreatment – by IntegratedTrtmt (integratedtrtmt)

From Twitter:

Free at Last: The high correlation between substance abuse and crime makes treatment for inmates a vital concern… – by Tawanapiq (Mariana Brechner)

From Twitter:

How to Confront Someone With a Substance Abuse Problem – by Kamifi63 (Kami Sheridan)