Major Hurdles Remain to End Veteran Homelessness

Major hurdles remain to end veteran homelessness

Filed under: addiction help nyc

AP IMPACT: Will NYC act to block future surges? AP IMPACT: Will NYC act to block future surges? By JEFF DONN Associated Press If you think …. Susan Angell, who oversees VA's homeless efforts, says having a safe and stable place to live improves …
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NYC Cop Pleads Guilty To Selling Guns, Body Armor to Drug Dealers

Filed under: addiction help nyc

A former New York City police officer pleaded guilty on Monday to stealing guns and a bullet-resistant vest from fellow officers and selling them to a drug dealer in order to feed an addiction to pain pills. Nicholas Mina, 32 years old, was officially …
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NYC: Hypnosis – How Hypnosis Helps With Alcohol Abuse – Gail Came to us after a lifetime of drinking, drugging after spending time in rehab facilities, jail, being arrested, getting DWI’s, DUIs, destroying her life with her family. She needed to please others, approval, in total denial of her drinking problem. Gail underwent three long ‘Humanistic Hypnosis’ Sessions with Professor Petrocelli at the NYC Hypnosis Center. Here is her story. She continues to improve and now spreads the word of how hypnosis and the ‘Humanistic Approach of Abreactive Hypnosis’ has changed her life.