What Does a Person Do if They Are Depressed and Have No Insurance or a Doctor ?

Question by Peyton: What does a person do if they are depressed and have no insurance or a doctor ?

Best answer:

Answer by Simply_Sambo
There should be free or income based mental health facilities in your area. If you really need help or want to commit suicide then go to the hospital and tell them. The will get you help really quick or can refer you…GL

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Grapefruit Warning For Medications Expanded

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

A review published this week in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) warns that while the number of prescription drugs that have adverse effects from interactions with grapefruit are increasing, many doctors may be unaware of the effects …
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Let's End the Prescription Drug Death Epidemic

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

But most people assume that because it's a “prescription” drug, it's safe, or should not carry the same negative stigma as a street drug. This is, sadly, far from the truth. Even after completing two addiction treatment programs, Rummler had a relapse …
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NKY Chamber to lobby for heroin treatment money

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

Asserting that Northern Kentucky has the “highest volume of people in the state needing substance abuse treatment but is receiving the least amount of funding,” the chamber will push for the Kentucky General Assembly to boost funding for mental health …
Read more on Cincinnati.com