Operation Santa Claus Helps Families of Addicts Through Healing Process

Operation Santa Claus helps families of addicts through healing process

Filed under: christian drug rehab

Now, Lam is a Christian and works with the centre on the island. Operation Dawn, which has been directly … "Other drug rehabilitation programmes often neglect the families, but they are deeply affected by the ordeal, too. And if our students …
Read more on South China Morning Post


Oklahoma Judge Sentences Teen to Church for 10 Years

Filed under: christian drug rehab

The judge could have sent Alred to jail but, instead, taking into account his clean criminal and school records, sentenced him to wear a drug and alcohol bracelet, participate in counseling groups and attend a church of his choosing – weekly. He must …
Read more on ABC News (blog)



Christian Drug Rehab – Christian Drug Rehab – Finding faith and hope in Christian addiction recovery. www.therecoveryplace.net (877) 231-1827 Christian drug rehab gave Philip hope. Before entering The Recovery Place, Philip had struggled with abuse of painkillers and cocaine addiction for nine years. Entering our Christian Drug Rehabilitation program has given Philip his hope back, and has helped him rekindle his faith in God. Combining traditional therapies with faith-based treatment, our Christian drug program has helped Philip reach his 50th day being drug-free. By participating in our addiction program’s Bible-study group three times a week, Philip feels he has brought his relationship with God back into the forefront of his life. Therapy sessions also include discussions from teachings in the Bible, as fellow recovering addicts decide how they can use their faith in specific ways to strengthen their new tools for avoiding relapse in the future. Philip fell away from his religious faith as his life was torn apart by addiction. By choosing TRP’s Christian drug rehabilitation program in Fort Lauderdale, Philip feels he is taking part in the most effective course of treatment for his addiction problems.