MATFORCE Lunch 'N Learn Focuses on Prescription Drug Abuse, a Silent Epidemic

MATFORCE Lunch 'n Learn focuses on prescription drug abuse, a silent epidemic

Filed under: prescription drug abuse

This presentation is part of the Governor's Office Prescription Drug Abuse Reduction Project, which MATFORCE and Yavapai County have been asked to pilot for the state. The Lunch 'n Learn will be held on Thursday, Nov. 29, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at …
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Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse In Your Community – This video will highlight dangers of prescription drug abuse, and how to fight the epidemic in your community. The Generation Rx Initiative, a partnership between The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and the Cardinal Health Foundation. It provides a number of resources aimed to empower communities to tackle prescription drug abuse and increase awareness about the issue. Learn more at


From Twitter:

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: Get the Facts & Take Action! #Addiction #Parenting – by 10to20 (10 to 20 Parenting)

From Twitter:

RT @Autumn_Beee: GUYS if you’re at the Union stop by USG Health and Wellness’s table to learn about stress and prescription drug abuse.. … – by illMindofGupta (S. Gupta)

From Twitter:

RT @MedicineAbuse: Viewpoint: Are Doctors to Blame for PrescriptionDrug Abuse? ( #endmedicine … – by slv_prevention (SLV Prevention)