Family Keeping Somber Vigil With Hector 'Macho' Camacho, Boxer's Aunt Says

Family keeping somber vigil with Hector 'Macho' Camacho, boxer's aunt says

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

But family members and friends tell The Associated Press they are still wrestling with whether to remove him from life support. “It is a very difficult decision … Camacho also battled drug, alcohol and other problems throughout his life. He was …


Homeless have different Black Friday experience

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

He sought temporary shelter more than a year ago after losing his career, family and home to a drug addiction. He completed the residential program and became a paid staff member. "I can't imagine ever going back," he said. "Here, I've learned to love …
Read more on Albany Times Union


News Briefs – Nov. 24, 2012

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

The Most Excellent Way support group for people seeking help overcoming alcohol, drugs and other addictive behaviors meets every Friday night at 7 p.m. at East Side Baptist Church, 4884 Ward Basin Road. For more information on this meeting and other …
Read more on Santa Rosa Press Gazette



The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA – The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA. Children in families experiencing alcohol or drug abuse need attention, guidance and support. They may be growing up in homes in which the problems are either denied or covered up. These children need to have their experiences validated. They also need safe, reliable adults in whom to confide and who will support them, reassure them, and provide them with appropriate help for their age. They need to have fun and just be kids. Families with alcohol and drug problems usually have high levels of stress and confusion. High stress family environments are a risk factor for early and dangerous substance use, as well as mental and physical health problems. It is important to talk honestly with children about what is happening in the family and to help them express their concerns and feelings. Children need to trust the adults in their lives and to believe that they will support them. Children living with alcohol or drug abuse in the family can benefit from participating in educational support groups in their school student assistance programs. Those age 11 and older can join Alateen groups, which meet in community settings and provide healthy connections with others coping with similar issues. Being associated with the activities of a faith community can also help. Dependence on alcohol and drugs is our most serious national public health problem. It is prevalent among rich and poor, in all


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18 Responses to Family Keeping Somber Vigil With Hector 'Macho' Camacho, Boxer's Aunt Says

  • thewikidjuggalo420 says:

    Im so glad my mom took me away from my drug addict father & abusive drug/alcoholic family. I was with them for a few years of my life & during that time I was sexually abused & learned bad behavior. My dad came in & out whenever. I always wondered where he was & I asked? my mom all the time if my dad loved me because I diddnt know. Now most of my family still uses and more sexual abuse has happened and the family is just really fucked up. Ive struggled so much from all of it.

  • TheZeroCrossing says:

    I agree this is an issue. One can’t asume anything is safe. I find it profound how much alcohol has affected my life. I am so angry that I have been so rejected by so many adults and family. I would love to beleave there’s hope.? But there are still cracks that we fall through. Thanks to your addiction. Thanks for being so selfish look around at the society You created

  • nelrish24 says:

    oh my gosh!?

  • kamronandRobyn says:

    I guess there is proof that just because both your parent make bad choices does not mean the children have to. I have never and will never have a drug or alcohol addiction. Coming from the environment where I was ” raised ” if you could say that….it’s? a big shocker. I mostly raised myself and trained myself to never have those kind of issues in my life.

  • forestskog says:

    Detestable is a bit strong. But having governments laws (and presumably government officials) literally forcing women to have vaginal implants? is a bit far from our constitution

  • susan987654 says:

    Why bother screening people who want to adopt? Sex offenders and drug addicts have the right to have kids ,too right? Do you call the local meth house when you need a babysitter? If not, why? If you wouldn’t leave your kid with a drug addict for a few hours, how can you condemn? someone else’s kid to that environment for their entire life? We have a moral obligation to protect kids that outweighs any obligation to safeguard the “rights” of drug addicts, felons, alcoholics, etc…

  • susan987654 says:

    What a silly comparison. Legally, a 16 year old girl is too young to consent to sex, but, if she’s pregnant, she has full responsibility for the resulting unwanted child. So we don’t even allow her to decide whether or not to have sex, but we DO allow her to make all the decisions for a helpless infant. We? enforce strict standards on adoptions because we understand the importance of a stable home environment, so why is the idea of enforcing standards for parenthood so detestable?

  • forestskog says:

    Go to Iran. They have a system that works along the lines you? seem to like. Women are told never to drink and never to have sex before marriage. If they disobey, they are literally dragged out so a soccer field by the authorities, buried up to their waist, and then stoned to death a mob of hysterical screaming bearded mullahs. Thanks I still prefer the west. No implants for me or mine

  • disguisingdeath says:

    I was high once and gave my 2 year old a puff on my crack pipe,? is this bad? will it harm it.

  • ExtremeRehab says:

    @ axlfoleyfanatic Please 4give me 4 not replying sooner, just read ur post. Utube will not let me post links, pls go 2 google & type in alanon meetings, then navigate 2 find meetings in your area&online. I encourage everyone 2 go 2 alanon/alateen meetings, knowing that complete anonymity is given & received. The love, kindness, compassion & tools u find in these rooms? will fill ur soul with the much needed love & hope that addition has robbed from us all. All the best 2U, please keep in touch.

  • Rangersbabes01 says:

    my mum was an alcoholic? ever since i was 2

  • ostapslobodian says:

    My dad became? a cocaine addict when I was 6.

  • lisababy85 says:

    Thank you,? I am an adult child of an alcoholic it’s AMAZING HOW MUCH IT can make a child suffer. I have a friend that critizes the choices I have made in the past and I am just now realizing there was a reason for it.

  • lisababy85 says:

    that’s true!?

  • givebirthathome says:

    My husband was an ACOA, who thought he could do just fine? without therapy, and apparently was doing OK…until we had our child.

  • givebirthathome says:

    Well, don’t worry about not drinking alcoholic beverages, that will do you good! What you really want to be careful about is *not having children* until you are sure you have sorted out traumas you may have from your mother in your own childhood. If you don’t, having your own children will re-awaken them when you may not have the resources to be able to sort them out. As one of my neighbors said, “Having children is? like the most powerful acid you have ever taken in your life”.

  • yt9451 says:

    To anyone interested in healing, I come from 2 alcoholic parents who are both deceased for many years now. I am reading a book by Dr? Laura called
    ” Bad Childhood — Good Life ” and it has really helped me to understand alot.
    Please dont wait as long as I have to start seeking help. Please start today. I have wasted so much of my life being depressed over this. Its time to move on. The past is the past. So anyone young, please get answers today ok. God Bless.

  • rosaryfilms says:

    -? you are welcome!

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