Anyone Else Think That Brett Favre Was Lucky to Play in Green Bay?

Question by King Torro (Team of Honor): Anyone else think that Brett Favre was lucky to play in Green Bay?
The fans wouldn’t have tolerated all his INT’s in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago or DC but since he was in Green Bay, the fans are very forgiving and looked passed his baggage,

If he was in any of the cities I listed above, the fans would have gotten sick of his garbage and he would have been released YEARS AGO and been out of the league and forgotton.

Best answer:

Answer by Brad
Yes he should have never left Green Bay

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Cost of Cancer: There Is More to It Than Containing Chemotherapy Costs

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1Center for Business Models in Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, 2Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois … Of course, an effective argument could be made to focus on managing …
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